THURS August 25th, 4-6pm Pacific
Field trip to Gates Foundation Discovery Center + AGRA Watch flyering action!
4pm: Meet at Gates Foundation Discovery Center, 440 5th Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109
4pm-5pm: Discovery Center tour
5pm-6pm: Flyering demonstration (end at Seattle Times office, 1000 Denny Way Seattle, WA 98109)
As part of our Rise Up! Summer School, we’ll be holding a field trip and demonstration in downtown Seattle. We’ll visit the Gates Foundation’s Discovery Center, starting at 4pm; at 5pm, we will then post flyers from the Discovery Center to the Seattle Times office, demonstrating the critical analysis of the Foundation’s agricultural development that the Times has persistently refused to cover.
Please register for the event by August 21st. (We will then send you email updates and instructions on how to reserve your free online tickets closer to the date).
For questions, please email Ashley ([email protected]).
Seattle, WA 98109