Standing with Northwest Tribes for Food Sovereignty

 Registration is closed for this event
This webinar via Zoom was previously scheduled for AUG 29, but had to be postponed. It will now take place SEPT 23, 2020.
You are invited to hear from Valerie Sergrest and Fawn Sharp, two indigenous women who have led efforts to block GE salmon in the Northwest, and globally.  This is also an opportunity to connect with participants of CAGJ's Rise Up! Summer School as well as Uprooted and Rising organizers, when we co-present our campaigns to stop GE salmon, and uplift all of the incredible work being done around the country by Tribes to build indigenous Food Sovereignty.

Join us to hear a campaign update and learn how to take action to #BlockCorporateSalmon!

We are honored to be joined by the following leaders:

September 23rd, 2020 from  6:00 PM to  7:30 PM